MapR's entire distro is free, and consists mostly of open-source components.
 The only closed-source component is MapR's file-system, which is a complete
drop-in replacement for HDFS.

If you wish, we can discuss further about your concerns re: MapR  outside
this mailing list.


On Sun, Oct 9, 2011 at 4:12 AM, George Kousiouris <>wrote:

> Hi all,
> We were looking how to overcome the random write/concurrent write issue
> with hdfs. We came across the MapR platform that claims to resolve this,
> along with the distribued Namenode. However we are a bit concerned that it
> seems that this is not open source. Does anyone have any info on which parts
> of MapR are indeed open source? Or any alternative solution?
> BR,
> George
> --
> ---------------------------
> George Kousiouris
> Electrical and Computer Engineer
> Division of Communications,
> Electronics and Information Engineering
> School of Electrical and Computer Engineering
> Tel: +30 210 772 2546
> Mobile: +30 6939354121
> Fax: +30 210 772 2569
> Email:
> Site:
> National Technical University of Athens
> 9 Heroon Polytechniou str., 157 73 Zografou, Athens, Greece

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