----- Original Message -----
From: bourne1900 <bourne1...@yahoo.cn>
Date: Tuesday, October 18, 2011 3:21 pm
Subject: could not complete file...
To: common-user <common-user@hadoop.apache.org>

> Hi,
> There are 20 threads which put file into HDFS ceaseless, every 
> file is 2k.
> When 1 million files have finished, client begin throw "coulod not 
> complete file" exception  ceaseless.
 Could not complete file log is actually info log. This will be logged from 
client when closing the file. It will retry for some time (i remember 100 
times) to ensure the suuceefull writes.
Did you observe any write failures here?

> At that time, datanode is hang-up.
> I think maybe heart beat is lost, so namenode does not know the 
> state of datanode. But I do not know why heart beat have lost. Is 
> there any info can be found from log when datanode can not send 
> heart beat?
Can you check the NN UI to verify the number of live nodes. By this we can 
decide whether DN stopped sending heartbeats or not.  
> Thanks and regards!
> bourne


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