Hi guys,

I'm running a 1-node Hadoop 0.20.2 pseudo-distributed node with RedHat 6.1
on Amazon EC2 and while my node is healthy, I can't seem to get to the
JobTracker GUI working. Running 'curl localhost:50030' from the CMD line
returns a valid HTML file. Ports 50030, 50060, 50070 are open in the Amazon
Security Group. MapReduce jobs are starting and completing successfully, so
my Hadoop install is working fine. But when I try to access the web GUI from
a Chrome browser on my local computer, I get nothing.

Any thoughts? I tried some Google searches and even did a hail-mary Bing
search, but none of them were fruitful.

Some troubleshooting I did is below:
[root@ip-10-86-x-x ~]# jps
1337 QuorumPeerMain
1494 JobTracker
1410 DataNode
1629 SecondaryNameNode
1556 NameNode
1694 TaskTracker
1181 HRegionServer
1107 HMaster
11363 Jps

[root@ip-10-86-x-x ~]# curl localhost:50030
<meta HTTP-EQUIV="REFRESH" content="0;url=jobtracker.jsp"/>

<title>Hadoop Administration</title>


<h1>Hadoop Administration</h1>


<li><a href="jobtracker.jsp">JobTracker</a></li>




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