Pe 28.02.2012 10:58, madhu phatak a scris:
  -libjars doesn't always work.Better way is to create a runnable jar with
all dependencies ( if no of dependency is less) or u have to keep the jars
into the lib folder of the hadoop in all machines.

Thanks for the reply Madhu,

I adopted the second solution as explained in [1]. From what I found browsing the net it seems that -libjars is broken in hadoop version > 0.18. I didn't got time to check the code yet. Cloudera released hadoop sources are packaged a bit odd and Netbeans doens't seem to play well with that and this really affects my will to try to fix the problem.

"-libjars" is a nice feature that permits the use of skinny jars and would help system admins do better packaging. It also allows better control over the classpath. Too bad it didn't work.



Ioan Eugen Stan

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