Thanks. Looks like there are some parameters that I can use at client level
and others need cluster wide setting. Is there a place where I can see all
the config parameters with description of level of changes that can be done
at client level vs at cluster level?

On Fri, Mar 9, 2012 at 10:39 PM, <> wrote:

> Adding on to Chen's response.
> This is a setting meant at Task Tracker level(environment setting based on
> parameters like your CPU cores, memory etc) and you need to override the
> same at each task tracker's mapred-site.xml and restart the TT daemon for
> changes to be in effect.
> Regards
> Bejoy K S
> From handheld, Please excuse typos.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Chen He <>
> Date: Fri, 9 Mar 2012 20:16:23
> To: <>
> Reply-To:
> Subject: Re: not working
> you set the " " in your job means
> nothing. Because Hadoop mapreduce platform only checks this parameter when
> it starts. This is a system configuration.
>  You need to set it in your conf/mapred-site.xml file and restart your
> hadoop mapreduce.
> On Fri, Mar 9, 2012 at 7:32 PM, Mohit Anchlia <
> >wrote:
> > I have set to 2 in my job and I
> have 5
> > nodes. I was expecting this to have only 10 concurrent jobs. But I have
> 30
> > mappers running. Does hadoop ignores this setting when supplied from the
> > job?
> >

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