Make sure you run "hadoop fsck /".  It should report a lot of blocks
with the replication policy violated.  In the sort term it isn't
anything to worry about and everything will work fine even with those
errors.  Run the script I sent out earlier to fix those errors and
bring everything into compliance with the new rack awareness setup.

On Thu, Mar 22, 2012 at 13:36, Patai Sangbutsarakum
<> wrote:
> I restarted the cluster yesterday with rack-awareness enable.
> Things went well. confirm that there was no issues at all.
> Thanks you all again.
> On Tue, Mar 20, 2012 at 4:19 PM, Patai Sangbutsarakum
> <> wrote:
>> Thanks you all.
>> On Tue, Mar 20, 2012 at 2:44 PM, Harsh J <> wrote:
>>> John has already addressed your concern. I'd only like to add that
>>> fixing of replication violations does not require your NN to be in
>>> safe mode and it won't be. Your worry can hence be voided :)
>>> On Wed, Mar 21, 2012 at 2:08 AM, Patai Sangbutsarakum
>>> <> wrote:
>>>> Thanks for your reply and script. Hopefully it still apply to 0.20.203
>>>> As far as I play with test cluster. The balancer would take care of
>>>> replica placement.
>>>> I just don't want to fall into the situation that the hdfs sit in the
>>>> safemode
>>>> for hours and users can't use hadoop and start yelping.
>>>> Let's hear from others.
>>>> Thanks
>>>> Patai
>>>> On 3/20/12 1:27 PM, "John Meagher" <> wrote:
>>>>>ere's the script I used (all sorts of caveats about it assuming a
>>>>>replication factor of 3 and no real error handling, etc)...
>>>>>for f in `hadoop fsck / | grep "Replica placement policy is violated"
>>>>>| head -n80000 | awk -F: '{print $1}'`; do
>>>>>    hadoop fs -setrep -w 4 $f
>>>>>    hadoop fs -setrep 3 $f
>>> --
>>> Harsh J

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