try adding  the directory in which WordCount.class was placed to the
4/12 Barry, Sean F <sean.f.ba...@intel.com>

> I am trying to compiling a customized WordCount UDF but I get this cannot
> find symbol error when I compile. And I'm not sure how to resolve this
> issue.
> hduser@master:~> javac -classpath
> /usr/lib/hadoop/hadoop-core-0.20.2-cdh3u3.jar WordCount.java
> WordCount.java:24: error: cannot find symbol
>                conf.setMapperClass(WordMapper.class);
>                                    ^
>  symbol:   class WordMapper
>  location: class WordCount
> WordCount.java:25: error: cannot find symbol
>                conf.setReducerClass(SumReducer.class);
>                                     ^
>  symbol:   class SumReducer
>  location: class WordCount
> 2 errors
> hduser@master:~> ls
>  SumReducer.class        WordMapper.class
>  SumReducer.java          WordCount.java  WordMapper.java
> hduser@master:~>

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