If the file is small enough you could read it in to a java object like a list 
and write your own input format that takes a list object as its input and then 
lets you specify the number of mappers.

On Apr 19, 2012, at 11:34 PM, Sky wrote:

> My file for the input to mapper is very small - as all it has is urls to list 
> of manifests. The task for mappers is to fetch each manifest, and then fetch 
> files using urls from the manifests and then process them.  Besides passing 
> around lists of files, I am not really accessing the disk. It should be RAM, 
> network, and CPU (unzip, parsexml,extract attributes).
> So is my only choice to break the input file and submit multiple files (if I 
> have 15 cores, I should split the file with urls to 15 files? also how does 
> it look in code?)? The two drawbacks are - some cores might finish early and 
> stay idle, and I don’t know how to deal with dynamically 
> increasing/decreasing cores.
> Thx
> - Sky
> -----Original Message----- From: Michael Segel
> Sent: Thursday, April 19, 2012 8:49 PM
> To: common-user@hadoop.apache.org
> Subject: Re: Help me with architecture of a somewhat non-trivial mapreduce 
> implementation
> How 'large' or rather in this case small is your file?
> If you're on a default system, the block sizes are 64MB. So if your file ~<= 
> 64MB, you end up with 1 block, and you will only have 1 mapper.
> On Apr 19, 2012, at 10:10 PM, Sky wrote:
>> Thanks for your reply.  After I sent my email, I found a fundamental defect 
>> - in my understanding of how MR is distributed. I discovered that even 
>> though I was firing off 15 COREs, the map job - which is the most expensive 
>> part of my processing was run only on 1 core.
>> To start my map job, I was creating a single file with following data:
>> 1 storage:/root/1.manif.txt
>> 2 storage:/root/2.manif.txt
>> 3 storage:/root/3.manif.txt
>> ...
>> 4000 storage:/root/4000.manif.txt
>> I thought that each of the available COREs will be assigned a map job from 
>> top down from the same file one at a time, and as soon as one CORE is done, 
>> it would get the next map job. However, it looks like I need to split the 
>> file into the number of times. Now while that’s clearly trivial to do, I am 
>> not sure how I can detect at runtime how many splits I need to do, and also 
>> to deal with adding new CORES at runtime. Any suggestions? (it doesn't have 
>> to be a file, it can be a list, etc).
>> This all would be much easier to debug, if somehow I could get my log4j logs 
>> for my mappers and reducers. I can see log4j for my main launcher, but not 
>> sure how to enable it for mappers and reducers.
>> Thx
>> - Akash
>> -----Original Message----- From: Robert Evans
>> Sent: Thursday, April 19, 2012 2:08 PM
>> To: common-user@hadoop.apache.org
>> Subject: Re: Help me with architecture of a somewhat non-trivial mapreduce 
>> implementation
>> From what I can see your implementation seems OK, especially from a 
>> performance perspective. Depending on what storage: is it is likely to be 
>> your bottlekneck, not the hadoop computations.
>> Because you are writing files directly instead of relying on Hadoop to do it 
>> for you, you may need to deal with error cases that Hadoop will normally 
>> hide from you, and you will not be able to turn on speculative execution. 
>> Just be aware that a map or reduce task may have problems in the middle, and 
>> be relaunched.  So when you are writing out your updated manifest be careful 
>> to not replace the old one until the new one is completely ready and will 
>> not fail, or you may lose data.  You may also need to be careful in your 
>> reduce if you are writing directly to the file there too, but because it is 
>> not a read modify write, but just a write it is not as critical.
>> --Bobby Evans
>> On 4/18/12 4:56 PM, "Sky USC" <sky...@hotmail.com> wrote:
>> Please help me architect the design of my first significant MR task beyond 
>> "word count". My program works well. but I am trying to optimize performance 
>> to maximize use of available computing resources. I have 3 questions at the 
>> bottom.
>> Project description in an abstract sense (written in java):
>> * I have MM number of MANIFEST files available on storage:/root/1.manif.txt 
>> to 4000.manif.txt
>>   * Each MANIFEST in turn contains varilable number "EE" of URLs to EBOOKS 
>> (range could be 10000 - 50,000 EBOOKS urls per MANIFEST) -- stored on 
>> storage:/root/1.manif/1223.folder/5443.Ebook.ebk
>> So we are talking about millions of ebooks
>> My task is to:
>> 1. Fetch each ebook, and obtain a set of 3 attributes per ebook (example: 
>> publisher, year, ebook-version).
>> 2. Update each of the EBOOK entry record in the manifest - with the 3 
>> attributes (eg: ebook 1334 -> publisher=aaa year=bbb, ebook-version=2.01)
>> 3. Create a output file such that the named 
>> "<publisher>_<year>_<ebook-version>"  contains a list of all "ebook urls" 
>> that met that criteria.
>> example:
>> File "storage:/root/summary/RANDOMHOUSE_1999_2.01.txt" contains:
>> storage:/root/1.manif/1223.folder/2143.Ebook.ebk
>> storage:/root/2.manif/2133.folder/5449.Ebook.ebk
>> storage:/root/2.manif/2133.folder/5450.Ebook.ebk
>> etc..
>> and File "storage:/root/summary/PENGUIN_2001_3.12.txt" contains:
>> storage:/root/19.manif/2223.folder/4343.Ebook.ebk
>> storage:/root/13.manif/9733.folder/2149.Ebook.ebk
>> storage:/root/21.manif/3233.folder/1110.Ebook.ebk
>> etc
>> 4. finally, I also want to output statistics such that:
>> <publisher>_<year>_<ebook-version>  <COUNT_OF_URLs>
>> PENGUIN_2001_3.12     250,111
>> RANDOMHOUSE_1999_2.01  11,322
>> etc
>> Here is how I implemented:
>> * My launcher gets list of MM manifests
>> * My Mapper gets one manifest.
>> --- It reads the manifest, within a WHILE loop,
>>  --- fetches each EBOOK,  and obtain attributes from each ebook,
>>  --- updates the manifest for that ebook
>>  --- context.write(new Text("RANDOMHOUSE_1999_2.01"), new 
>> Text("storage:/root/1.manif/1223.folder/2143.Ebook.ebk"))
>> --- Once all ebooks in the manifest are read, it saves the updated Manifest, 
>> and exits
>> * My Reducer gets the "RANDOMHOUSE_1999_2.01" and a list of ebooks urls.
>> --- It writes a new file "storage:/root/summary/RANDOMHOUSE_1999_2.01.txt" 
>> with all the storage urls for the ebooks
>> --- It also does a context.write(new Text("RANDOMHOUSE_1999_2.01"), new 
>> As I mentioned, its working. I launch it on 15 elastic instances. I have 
>> three questions:
>> 1. Is this the best way to implement the MR logic?
>> 2. I dont know if each of the instances is getting one task or multiple 
>> tasks simultaneously for the MAP portion. If it is not getting multiple MAP 
>> tasks, should I go with the route of "multithreaded" reading of ebooks from 
>> each manifest? Its not efficient to read just one ebook at a time per 
>> machine. Is "Context.write()" threadsafe?
>> 3. I can see log4j logs for main program, but no visibility into logs for 
>> Mapper or Reducer. Any idea?

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