have you shipped myMapper.sh to each node?


在 2012-5-2,下午1:17, Boyu Zhang 写道:

> Hi All,
> I am in a little bit strange situation, I am using Hadoop streaming to run
> a bash shell program myMapper.sh, and in the myMapper.sh, it calls a java
> program, then a R program, then output intermediate key, values. I used
> -file option to ship the java and R files, but the java program was not
> executed by the streaming. The myMapper.sh has something like this:
> java myJava arguments
> And in the streaming command, I use something like this:
> hadoop jar /opt/hadoop/hadoop-0.20.2-streaming.jar -D mapred.reduce.tasks=0
> -input /user/input -output /user/output7 -mapper ./myMapper.sh -file
> myJava.class  -verbose
> And the myJava program is not run when I execute like this, and if I go to
> the actual slave node to check the files, the myMapper.sh is shipped to the
> slave node, but the myJava.class is not, it is inside the job.jar file.
> Can someone provide some insights on how to run a java program through
> hadoop streaming? Thanks!
> Boyu

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