Hi All,

Guess HOD could be useful existing HPC cluster with Torque scheduler which
needs to run map-reduce jobs.

Also read about *myHadoop- Hadoop on demand on traditional HPC
resources*will support many HPC schedulers like SGE, PBS etc to over
come the
integration of shared-architecture(HPC) & shared-nothing

Any real use case scenarios for integrating hadoop map/reduce in existing
HPC cluster and what are the advantages of using hadoop features in HPC

Appreciate your comments on the same.

Manu S

On Fri, May 18, 2012 at 12:41 AM, Merto Mertek <masmer...@gmail.com> wrote:

> If I understand it right HOD is mentioned mainly for merging existing HPC
> clusters with hadoop and for testing purposes..
> I cannot find what is the role of Torque here (just initial nodes
> allocation?) and which is the default scheduler of HOD ?  Probably the
> scheduler from the hadoop distribution?
> In the doc is mentioned a MAUI scheduler, but probably if there would be an
> integration with hadoop there will be any document on it..
> thanks..

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