What kind of storage is attached to the data nodes ? This kind of error can 
happen when the CPU is really busy with I/O or interrupts.

Can you run top or dstat on some of the data nodes to see how the system is 


> From: Sandeep Reddy P <sandeepreddy.3...@gmail.com>
>To: common-user@hadoop.apache.org 
>Sent: Tuesday, May 22, 2012 7:23 AM
>Subject: Re: Map/Reduce Tasks Fails
>*Task Trackers* *Name**Host**# running tasks**Max Map Tasks**Max Reduce
>Tasks**Task Failures**Directory Failures**Node Health Status**Seconds Since
>Node Last Healthy**Total Tasks Since Start* *Succeeded Tasks Since
>Start* *Total
>Tasks Last Day* *Succeeded Tasks Last Day* *Total Tasks Last Hour* *Succeeded
>Tasks Last Hour* *Seconds since heartbeat*
>hadoop2.liaisondevqa.local062220N/A093 60 59 28 64 38 0
>hadoop4.liaisondevqa.local062190N/A091 59 65 33 36 33 0
>hadoop5.liaisondevqa.local162210N/A083 47 69 35 45 19 0
>hadoop3.liaisondevqa.local062180N/A087 55 55 28 57 34 0  Highest Failures:
>tracker_hadoop2.liaisondevqa.local:localhost/ with 22

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