Yes it is possible by using MultipleInputs format to multiple mapper
(basically 2 different mapper)

Setp: 1

MultipleInputs.addInputPath(conf, new Path(args[0]), TextInputFormat.class,
 MultipleInputs.addInputPath(conf, new Path(args[1]),
TextInputFormat.class, *Mapper2.class*);

while defining two mappers value  put some identifier
(*output.collect(new Text(key), new Text(*identifier+"~" *+value));*)
related to a.txt and b.txt so that it will easy to distinct two file mapper
output within the reducer.

Step 2:
  put b.txt in the distcach and compare the reducer value against the
b.txt  List
            String currValue =;
            String valueSplitted[] = currValue.split("~");
           if(valueSplitted[0].equals("A")) // "A":- Identifier from A
               //where process A file
            else if(valueSplitted[0].equals("B")) //"B":- Identifier from
B mapper
                       //here process B file

           output.collect(new Text(key), new Text("Formated Value as like
you to display"));

Decide the key  as like what you want to produce the result.

After that you have to use one reducer to perform the ouput.


On Tue, May 29, 2012 at 3:45 PM, liuzhg <> wrote:

> Hi,
> I wonder that if Hadoop can solve effectively the question as following:
> ==========================================
> input file: a.txt, b.txt
> result: c.txt
> a.txt:
> id1,name1,age1,...
> id2,name2,age2,...
> id3,name3,age3,...
> id4,name4,age4,...
> b.txt:
> id1,address1,...
> id2,address2,...
> id3,address3,...
> c.txt
> id1,name1,age1,address1,...
> id2,name2,age2,address2,...
> ========================================
> I know that it can be done well by database.
> But I want to handle it with hadoop if possible.
> Can hadoop meet the requirement?
> Any suggestion can help me. Thank you very much!
> Best Regards,
> Gump

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