Hi! For some reasons I can't run hadoop using sudo (with root privileges), but 
I have heard that this is normal case when we issue start-all.sh and other 
scripts/commands as usual user. However, when I'm trying to start whole hadoop 
bundle with `start-all.sh` I've got that message for every component. Moreover, 
I have the same message even if I trying to do initial formatting of name node 
like `hadoop-0.20 namenode -format`. 

I've seen a similar question on mailing list, that was solved by defining users 
(setting env variables) for components. But it doesn't helped me -- my 
hadoop-env.sh contains the following lines: 

export HADOOP_NAMENODE_USER=namenode
export HADOOP_DATANODE_USER=datanode
export HADOOP_JOBTRACKER_USER=jobtracker
export HADOOP_TASKTRACKER_USER=tasktracker

and this users presented in system, e.g.:

less /etc/passwd | grep namenode

What can I do to solve that problem?

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