Hi Pierre,

According to my knowledge HDFS is not compliant as a normal
filesystem. But you can use Fuse as a workaround to mount it. This is
what we do in our company, but we were experiencing some stability


On Sat, Jun 16, 2012 at 12:22 AM, Pierre Antoine DuBoDeNa
<pad...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> I have installed hdfs to use it with hadoop and hbase. I am wondering if i
> can use it as a normal file system too that just connects several HDDs ?
> For example i can see the files i have stored through the webinterface
> (browse filesystem) or with the dfs commands. However if I go to the exact
> location in the hdfs directory there is nothing. Everything is stored in an
> "hdfs format".
> Is it possible to go to /app/hadoop/tmp/data/text.txt for example in some
> way? Can i use it in such way?
> I just want to avoid to install NFS servers as i already have in place
> hdfs.
> Best,
> PA

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