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*Fabio Pitzolu*
Consultant - BI & Infrastructure

Mob. +39 3356033776
Telefono 02 87157239
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*Gruppo Consulenza Innovazione -*

2012/8/30 Sujit Dhamale <>

> Hi ,
> i have Ubuntu Operating System on my Computer and Apache Hadoop 1.0.2. is
> install.
> Now i need to Install Cluudera's Hadoop Version  which having YARN .
> can you Please some one guide me how i will install it ?
> i visit Cloudera's website , but i found there only VM , i need
> Cloudera distribution  install in my Ubuntu .
> even i try to download Cloudera Manager i am getting .bin file with around
> 20kb size .
> Basically i want to Switch to Cloudera Hadoop distribution , what is Best
> way *other than* Virtual machine running on my existing
> operating system  .
> Kind Regards
>  Sujit

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