I Found it works with the following
You need to be in a thread as a PrivilegedExceptionAction

final String user = <My Identity>;
UserGroupInformation uig = UserGroupInformation.createRemoteUser(user);
     try {
            return uig.doAs(new PrivilegedExceptionAction<ReturnType>() {

                public ReturnType run() throws Exception {
                    Configuration conf = new Configuration();
                    conf.set("fs.default.name", "hdfs://" + host + ":" +
                    conf.set("fs.defaultFS", "hdfs://" + host + ":" + port
+ userDir);
                      conf.set("hadoop.job.ugi", user);
                       FileSystem fileSystem =FileSystem.get(conf);

                    ReturnType ret = <<DoStuff As User >>

                    return ret ;

        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new RuntimeException(e));

On Fri, May 17, 2013 at 10:53 AM, Harsh J <ha...@cloudera.com> wrote:

> Am not sure I'm getting your problem yet, but mind sharing the error
> you see specifically? That'd give me more clues.
> On Fri, May 17, 2013 at 2:39 PM, Steve Lewis <lordjoe2...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > Here is the issue -
> > 1 - I am running a Java client on a machine unknown to the cluster - my
> > default name on this pc is
> > HYPERCHICKEN\local_admin - the name known to the cluster is slewis
> >
> > 2 Thew listed code
> >   String connectString =   "hdfs://" + host + ":" + port + "/";*
> >            Configuration config = new Configuration();*
> >            config.set("fs.default.name",connectString);*
> >               FileSystem fs  = FileSystem.get(config);*
> >
> > Arttempts to get a file system - it has not (to the best of my knowledge)
> > altered the cluster -
> > Yes, the next code will attempt to write files in a directory where I may
> > have permission - at least slewis does but
> > I cannot even get the file system
> >
> >
> >
> > This is the relevant section of  hdfs-site.xml
> > <!-- Permissions configuration -->
> > <property>
> > <name>dfs.umaskmode</name>
> > <value>077</value>
> > <description>
> > The octal umask used when creating files and directories.
> > </description>
> > </property>
> >
> > <property>
> > <name>dfs.block.access.token.enable</name>
> > <value>false</value>
> > <description>
> > Are access tokens are used as capabilities for accessing datanodes.
> > </description>
> > </property>
> >
> > <property>
> > <name>dfs.namenode.kerberos.principal</name>
> > <value>nn/_HOST@${local.realm}</value>
> > <description>
> > Kerberos principal name for the NameNode
> > </description>
> > </property>
> >
> > <property>
> > <name>dfs.secondary.namenode.kerberos.principal</name>
> > <value>nn/_HOST@${local.realm}</value>
> > <description>
> > Kerberos principal name for the secondary NameNode.
> > </description>
> > </property>
> >
> >
> > <property>
> > <name>dfs.namenode.kerberos.https.principal</name>
> > <value>host/_HOST@${local.realm}</value>
> > <description>
> > The Kerberos principal for the host that the NameNode runs on.
> > </description>
> > </property>
> >
> > <property>
> > <name>dfs.secondary.namenode.kerberos.https.principal</name>
> > <value>host/_HOST@${local.realm}</value>
> > <description>
> > The Kerberos principal for the hostthat the secondary NameNode runs on.
> > </description>
> > </property>
> >
> > <property>
> > <name>dfs.secondary.https.port</name>
> > <value>50490</value>
> > <description>The https port where secondary-namenode binds</description>
> >
> > </property>
> >
> > <property>
> > <name>dfs.datanode.kerberos.principal</name>
> > <value>dn/_HOST@${local.realm}</value>
> > <description>
> > The Kerberos principal that the DataNode runs as. "_HOST" is replaced by
> > the real host name.
> > </description>
> > </property>
> >
> > <property>
> > <name>dfs.web.authentication.kerberos.principal</name>
> > <value>HTTP/_HOST@${local.realm}</value>
> > <description>
> > The HTTP Kerberos principal used by Hadoop-Auth in the HTTP endpoint.
> >
> > The HTTP Kerberos principal MUST start with 'HTTP/' per Kerberos
> > HTTP SPENGO specification.
> > </description>
> > </property>
> >
> > <property>
> > <name>dfs.web.authentication.kerberos.keytab</name>
> > <value>/etc/security/keytabs/nn.service.keytab</value>
> > <description>
> > The Kerberos keytab file with the credentials for the
> > HTTP Kerberos principal used by Hadoop-Auth in the HTTP endpoint.
> > </description>
> > </property>
> >
> > <property>
> > <name>dfs.namenode.keytab.file</name>
> > <value>/etc/security/keytabs/nn.service.keytab</value>
> > <description>
> > Combined keytab file containing the namenode service and host principals.
> > </description>
> > </property>
> >
> > <property>
> > <name>dfs.secondary.namenode.keytab.file</name>
> > <value>/etc/security/keytabs/nn.service.keytab</value>
> > <description>
> > Combined keytab file containing the namenode service and host principals.
> > </description>
> > </property>
> >
> > <property>
> > <name>dfs.datanode.keytab.file</name>
> > <value>/etc/security/keytabs/dn.service.keytab</value>
> > <description>
> > The filename of the keytab file for the DataNode.
> > </description>
> > </property>
> >
> > <property>
> > <name>dfs.https.port</name>
> > <value>50470</value>
> > <description>The https port where namenode binds</description>
> > </property>
> >
> > <property>
> > <name>dfs.https.address</name>
> > <value>hadoop-master-01.ebi.ac.uk:50470</value>
> > <description>The https address where namenode binds</description>
> > </property>
> >
> > <property>
> > <name>dfs.datanode.data.dir.perm</name>
> > <value>700</value>
> > <description>The permissions that should be there on dfs.data.dir
> > directories. The datanode will not come up if the permissions are
> > different on existing dfs.data.dir directories. If the directories
> > don't exist, they will be created with this permission.
> > </description>
> > </property>
> >
> > <property>
> > <name>dfs.cluster.administrators</name>
> > <value>hdfs</value>
> > <description>ACL for who all can view the default servlets in the
> > HDFS</description>
> > </property>
> >
> > <property>
> > <name>dfs.permissions.superusergroup</name>
> > <value>hadoop</value>
> > <description>The name of the group of super-users.</description>
> > </property>
> >
> > <property>
> > <name>dfs.secondary.http.address</name>
> > <value>hadoop-login.ebi.ac.uk:50090</value>
> > <description>
> > The secondary namenode http server address and port.
> > If the port is 0 then the server will start on a free port.
> > </description>
> > </property>
> >
> > <property>
> > <name>dfs.hosts</name>
> > <value>/etc/hadoop/dfs.include</value>
> > <description>Names a file that contains a list of hosts that are
> > permitted to connect to the namenode. The full pathname of the file
> > must be specified. If the value is empty, all hosts are
> > permitted.</description>
> > </property>
> >
> > <property>
> > <name>dfs.hosts.exclude</name>
> > <value>/etc/hadoop/dfs.exclude</value>
> > <description>Names a file that contains a list of hosts that are
> > not permitted to connect to the namenode. The full pathname of the
> > file must be specified. If the value is empty, no hosts are
> > excluded.
> > </description>
> > </property>
> > <property>
> > <name>dfs.webhdfs.enabled</name>
> > <value>false</value>
> > <description>Enable or disable webhdfs. Defaults to false</description>
> > </property>
> > <property>
> > <name>dfs.support.append</name>
> > <value>true</value>
> > <description>Enable or disable append. Defaults to false</description>
> > </property>
> > </configuration>
> >
> > Here is the relevant section of core-site.xml
> > <property>
> > <name>hadoop.security.authentication</name>
> > <value>simple</value>
> > <description>
> > Set the authentication for the cluster. Valid values are: simple or
> > kerberos.
> > </description>
> > </property>
> >
> > <property>
> > <name>hadoop.security.authorization</name>
> > <value>false</value>
> > <description>
> > Enable authorization for different protocols.
> > </description>
> > </property>
> >
> > <property>
> > <name>hadoop.security.groups.cache.secs</name>
> > <value>14400</value>
> > </property>
> >
> > <property>
> > <name>hadoop.kerberos.kinit.command</name>
> > <value>/usr/kerberos/bin/kinit</value>
> > </property>
> >
> > <property>
> > <name>hadoop.http.filter.initializers</name>
> > <value>org.apache.hadoop.http.lib.StaticUserWebFilter</value>
> > </property>
> >
> > </configuration>
> >
> >
> >
> > On Mon, May 13, 2013 at 5:26 PM, Harsh J <ha...@cloudera.com> wrote:
> >
> >> Hi Steve,
> >>
> >> A normally-written client program would work normally on both
> >> permissions and no-permissions clusters. There is no concept of a
> >> "password" for users in Apache Hadoop as of yet, unless you're dealing
> >> with a specific cluster that has custom-implemented it.
> >>
> >> Setting a specific user is not the right way to go. In secure and
> >> non-secure environments both, the user is automatically inferred by
> >> the user actually running the JVM process - its better to simply rely
> >> on this.
> >>
> >> An AccessControlException occurs when a program tries to write or
> >> alter a defined path where it lacks permission. To bypass this, the
> >> HDFS administrator needs to grant you access to such defined paths,
> >> rather than you having to work around that problem.
> >>
> >> On Mon, May 13, 2013 at 3:25 PM, Steve Lewis <lordjoe2...@gmail.com>
> >> wrote:
> >> > -- I have been running Hadoop on a clister set to not check
> permissions.
> >> I
> >> > would run a java client on my local machine and would run as the local
> >> user
> >> > on the cluster.
> >> >
> >> > I say
> >> > *      String connectString =   "hdfs://" + host + ":" + port + "/";*
> >> > *            Configuration config = new Configuration();*
> >> > *
> >> > *
> >> > *            config.set("fs.default.name",connectString);*
> >> > *
> >> > *
> >> > *            FileSystem fs  = FileSystem.get(config);*
> >> > *The above code works*
> >> > *  *
> >> > I am trying to port to a cluster where permissions are checked - I
> have
> >>  an
> >> > account but need to set a user and password to avoid Access Exceptions
> >> >
> >> > How do I do this and If I can only access certain directories how do
> I do
> >> > that?
> >> >
> >> > Also are there some directories my code MUST be able to access outside
> >> > those for my user only?
> >> >
> >> > Steven M. Lewis PhD
> >> > 4221 105th Ave NE
> >> > Kirkland, WA 98033
> >> > 206-384-1340 (cell)
> >> > Skype lordjoe_com
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> --
> >> Harsh J
> >>
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > Steven M. Lewis PhD
> > 4221 105th Ave NE
> > Kirkland, WA 98033
> > 206-384-1340 (cell)
> > Skype lordjoe_com
> --
> Harsh J

Steven M. Lewis PhD
4221 105th Ave NE
Kirkland, WA 98033
206-384-1340 (cell)
Skype lordjoe_com

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