On 11/29/01 9:32 PM, "Craig R. McClanahan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> One way to approach these issues (and would even fit into the Commons
> charter :-) would be to conceive of a Commons package to do background job
> scheduling and execution (what legacy OSs called "batch job queues")
> within a JVM.  Executing a particular workflow script would be only one of
> the interesting things you could do -- ideally the definition of a "job"
> would be something like "call method X on object Y" so it could be fully
> generalized.
> The "jobs" package could be configured with limits on how many background
> threads it could run, support ways to schedule jobs repeatedly, and all
> the other stuff you can do with "cron" type utilities, if we wanted.  It
> could be embedded in any sort of long-running JVM (such as in a webapp on
> a servlet container), as well as stand-alone background jobs.
> This is a bigger task than just something that can run Workflow scripts in
> background threads (which isn't terribly difficult to hard code in your
> application by starting a new thread and executing the Activity there),
> but it would be a generally useful package.  What do you think?

Certainly useful, but I would think that it must by lying around Jakarta
already.  I assume that since you suggested it, it's not in Struts.  What
about Turbine or Avalon?


Geir Magnusson Jr.                                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
System and Software Consulting
"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety
deserve neither liberty nor safety." - Benjamin Franklin

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