> From: Berin Loritsch [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
> I would like some more information and clarification on the 
> Jakarta Commons charter and practicalities of placing code 
> there.  Avalon Excalibur's code is fairly integrated, and is 
> a testimony to how well the API works.  However, because it 
> is easier to use the concurrent package synchronization 
> primitives rather than using the "synchronized" keyword all 
> the time, I have used them to implement thread-safe pools, 
> among other things.
> As far as I can tell there are separate packages for pooling, 
> synchronization primitives, and other utilities.  My 
> understanding regarding the charter is that you don't want 
> cross library dependancies in Commons.  Were I to advocate 
> moving the utilities in Avalon Excalibur to Jakarta Commons, 
> how would that work itself out?
> For instance, the new Pool implementations that I am writing 
> are based on the new Buffer classes and use the 
> synchronization primitives.

Does this mean that the buffer and sync primitives would also be
submitted to commons?

Scott Sanders

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