On Sat, Jan 05, 2002 at 10:01:24PM +0000, robert burrell donkin wrote:
> this last bit got me thinking - i don't really know who is a commons 
> committer. if i don't, then what chance will people have who haven't been 
> on this mailing list as long as me?
> maybe the commons contributors page is more important than just an 
> optional 'howdy' page. maybe it needs to contain all committers so that 
> people can work out when a veto is a veto. the maintenance effort wouldn't 
> be too great if new committers were added to the list as soon as they are 
> voted in.

I agree. It would be nice if it was a jakarta-wide thing, not just

The list of current committers can be determined by logging on to
cvs.apache.org (icarus), and typing:

cat /home/cvs/CVSROOT/avail | grep jakarta-commons

Resulting in:


It would be easy to set up a cron job to transform the 'avail' file into
a set of publicly accessible XML files, one for each project, containing
names of committers. Projects could then have an Ant task to fetch this

<get src="http://jakarta.apache.org/"; dest="committers/${name}.xml"/>

And then integrate it with the regular project docs, via

The only practical difficulty is that CVS is on a different box from the
website, so things would have to be done via ssh and scp.

I can do the script if people think this is a good idea.


> - robert

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