On Wed, 2002-01-09 at 13:02, Craig R. McClanahan wrote:

    Although I've added some simple unit test cases (based on the existing
    ones for standard JavaBeans), it would be really useful if some more folks
    tried out DynaBeans in the real world, and provided some feedback before
    we lock down the APIs for them.

The DynaBean set() methods do not throw any exceptions. This makes it
hard (in fact, impossible) for me to layer any exception semantics on
top of the base implementation. For example, in my own implementation
(which "extends BasicDynaBean", but could just as easily be a class
which "implements DynaBean"), I can't enforce a read-only semantic by
way of throwing an exception. Right now, I'm just returning without any
action taken. Kind of silly. 



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