Oe Mon, Jan 21, 2002 at 09:57:47AM +0000, Paul Hammant wrote:
> Juozas,
> > It can be useful for FAQ:
> >
> > 1. Is it plans to implement groups ?
> > (  I am not sure but I think http://www.javagroups.com is used to 
> > implement cluster in JBoss 3 ) 
> http://dghmux-java.sourceforge.net/ looks interesting too.
> > 2. Is it plans to implement ARMI over DCOM.
> > ( I saw some bridge implementation, but do not remember link at this 
> > time  )
> Interesting.  There is an excellent product called JIntegra that exposes 
> objects to DCOM introspection/invocation.
> Regards,
> - Paul H
Altough not a knoledgable person in the are but have read a good
article on the "jawin" open source Java/COM interoperability project.
Here is an article on it:


with link to the project. The author maintains a resource page to similar
open source and commercial products, too.


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