Peter Donald wrote:
> If you want for Avalon to move all its components across then there is one
> thing that needs to be changed. Same thing as it was when Commons was
> incepted, same thing I have been saying for ages. If working with Avalon is
> not desired then nothing needs to be changed.

Perhaps you've answered this before, and I've missed it, but how is
commit and voting rights different in the Commons than on any large
Jakarta subproject?

I assume that an Avalon committer that has worked exclusively on
Excalibur would have voting rights on the Framework too. Avalon is
Avalon, a committer is a committer. 

We don't require the same degree of community behind every packgae in
the Commons, because Committers to other Commons package can step up to
bat if the usual developer is distracted. That's the way Meritocracy
works. We watch each other's back. It's not your code, or my code, it's
our code. When the code is donated to a subproject, all Committers to
the subproject have equal responsiblity for its maintenance and
continued deveopment. 

If it might fall to me to support something, then I should have a say
over what I may need to support. Unilateral vetos only apply to product
changes, and must be justifiable. You can't veto a release, or a plan,
only real code or real documentation. A real veto must provide real
alternatives or present real technical problems, or it is not
justifiable. If you don't believe me, ask Brian or Roy.

AFAIK, there is no precedent for saying a Committer to subproject can
vote on this or that, but not on something else. Either the Commons is a
subproject or it isn't. 

If we are going to change the voting rights in the Commons, then we
should bite the bullet and propose it as a top-level ASF Project, and
perhaps ask the XML Commons to join us. The Commons could then have its
own PMC, and parcel out the commit and voting rights any way it saw fit.

-- Ted Husted, Husted dot Com, Fairport NY USA.
-- Java Web Development with Struts.
-- Tel +1 585 737-3463.
-- Web

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