
I've seen you mention a couple of times that you consider singletons
dangerous. Would you care to elaborate? Is it because you're concerned that
people can't write thread-safe code correctly? Or because correct
thread-safe code affects concurrency? Or something else?



> -----Original Message-----
> From: Paulo Gaspar [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Sunday, February 03, 2002 8:19 PM
> To: Jakarta Commons Developers List; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Subject: RE: Problems with commons-logging
> Answer inline:
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Scott Sanders [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > Sent: Sunday, February 03, 2002 2:18 AM
> >
> > On Sat, Feb 02, 2002 at 08:33:46AM -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >
> > > - security: getLogNames() and getInstance() are evil and unacceptable.
> > > Both log4j and logkit have solutions that allow safe use in a
> container
> > > environment, i.e. support of isolation for the users of the API
> > > ( one app using the package can't mess with another app's logging ).
> > > I'm -1 on releasing with this whole in it.
> > >
> >
> > I can see how getLogNames() could be considered evil, and I do
> > not see what it gains us.  I am +1 on remving getLogNames().
> +1
> > Are you saying that with getInstance(), we should remove it and
> > just use newLogInstance()?  I am also fine with this, albeit a +0.
> I am still not sure I understand this one.
> (So, I probably don't.)
> > > - static methods in LogSource. I suppose LogSource is a sort of
> > > factory - the pattern used here is completely unnatural ( or at least
> > > different from most APIs in use ).
> >
> > Why don't we rename LogSource to LogFactory, and change
> > makeNewLogInstance() to newInstance()?  +1 on this as well.
> > I believe this would be consistent with things like JAXP, correct?
> +1
> Also, as I mentioned 2 posts ago on this thread, any Singleton should
> be avoided. (Some static methods might make sense but Singletons are
> usually dangerous.)
> > > - I would prefer Log to be an abstract class or even to be a
> > > normal class, with the minimal logger - and have LogSource return
> > > a particular impl. If static methods are used, it's cleaner to put
> > > them in Log, and let the LogSource ( I would rename it LogManager )
> > > be used behind the scene. I.e.
> > >      Log log=Log.getLog( name );
> > > and getLog() will find a LogManager, etc.
> > >
> >
> > I don't see the problem with having a factory take care of this,
> > so I am -0.  I like that Log is an interface.
> I am -1. I really like it being an interface.
> > > - It's missing a log() method that takes a level parameter.
> > > Having 5 fixed levels is fine for most apps, but not
> extensible enough.
> > > Most loggers provide such a thing.
> BUT I do not see how to port the extensibility across APIs. For the
> time being I am -1 on extensibility and +1 on having level constants.
> > I will code this up.  Thanks for the comment. +1. I am assuming
> > void log(int level, Object message) and the proper Throwable
> > sister method?.
> Scott, I have this coded but no CPU time (mind frame) to adapt it.
> Would it be ok if I send you my code and you take a look at it?
> > > - also in the 'container use' case, given that the Logger will
> > > probably be used by many components it's likely it'll end up at top
> > > level loader. It would be important for different apps to use
> different
> > > logger adapters if they want to - the current solution allow only
> > > one.
> > >
> >
> > Why would this end up in the top level loader?  I do not
> > understand this.  Could you explain more please?
> >
> > > - Given that it is a facade, it would need some way to pass at least
> > > config info to the underlying logger ( at least setProperty like ).
> > > Some logger may not need any, but if they do it'll require using
> > > internal APIs.
> > >
> >
> > I am -1 on walking the config line.  No config. None.  This API
> > intends to mask all of this and allow a component to just log.
> > The container using the component will be required to configure
> > logging.  We are not trying to replace LogKit/Log4J, we are only
> > trying to replace System.out.println(), IMHO.  Besides, that is
> > orhtogonal IMHO, and if logging does this, it can do this in a
> > later release, on a separate interface.
> I +1 on config, although on a separate/separable package. Again,
> take a look on my previous post on this thread for details (not
> my last one but the previous).
> > > - I don't like the idea of constructors with a  param. All other APIs
> > > use a no-param constructor. You can easily call a setter if
> you need to.
> >
> > Fine.  Done. +1
> >
> > > - pluggable mechanism for finding the impl. Right now everything is
> > > hardcoded. Reading a properties from CLASSPATH or a similar mechanism
> > > is needed. ( jaxp style preferable - i.e. java services manifest )
> > >
> >
> > It IS pluggable.  Just set the org.apache.commons.logging.log
> > property with your Log impl.  Could you code up the jar services
> > manifest code to augment this?  Thanks.
> I also rumble about this one on that previous post a mentioned above.
> > > - Separation of interface and impl - the 2 classes that 'matter'
> > > are Log and LogSource, everything else should be in a
> different package.
> > > It'll get messy long term, and it's harder to read.
> >
> > -0.  I don't really see the need to break this up.  I agree that
> > only 2 classes really 'matter', but I do not see that as a reason
> > to move them.  If someone else wants to, I wont stop them.  Are
> > you suggesting something like an o.a.c.l.impl package?
> +1
> I would call it o.a.c.l.wrappers since other implementation bits
> might be added (like that o.a.c.l.config I am defending).
> > > - I would prefer for the base impl to be JDK1.1 compatible. There is
> > > no valid reason to exclude JDK1.1 usage - Hashtable can be used
> > > without any problem, there is nothing performance critical here.
> >
> > Consider this done.
> +1
> > > - makeNewLogInstance comment and impl are completely of sync.
> >
> > I will look into this.
> >
> > > - no support for i18n-style messages. Probably not a big deal
> > > for the first release, but it would be nice to think about it ( I know
> > > log4j can do that, I assume other as well ).
> > >
> >
> > -0.  I personally have no intention of supporting this.  I think
> > that commons-logging is just a simple conduit to a logging
> > implementation, i18n is the concern of both sides, but not the
> > middle. If we keep the Object as the log parameter, I don't see
> > how we are 'missing out'.
> -1
> The official (SUN) i18n APIs are insufficient for many apps and
> that is why alternative i18n APIs are popping up like mushrooms
> all around Jakarta. It would not be nice to favor any of them.
> IMO, a i18n logger could be the subject of another component (or
> several - one per i18n API) based on this one.
> I also mentioned this one on my previous post.
> I have an AbstractLoggable class that supports i18n but I will
> NOT contribute it to this package.
> ...
> Have fun,
> Paulo Gaspar
> --
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