Hi James!

> -----Mensaje original-----
> De: James Strachan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]


> One other thing to keep in the back of your mind when you're
> refactoring things. Once its in CVS somewhere - hopefully the 
> sandbox or
> failing that sourceforge - I'd be quite interested in adding 
> support for
> 'real' beans.

Yes, I also think that coding beans is better than writing XML files. My
original query was along these lines.

If you remove a field from a bean and keep using it elsewhere, the compiler
will tell you; but if you delete a field from the config file and keep using
it, you get an exception at runtime.

That has been my experience: it's better to have strongly typed attributes
than an abstract database layer.

Now, if we can have both, it would be great.

Un saludo,


> I think DynaBeans are perfect for queries and for when the 
> Java object model
> is dictated by the database schema. Its also very common to 
> need to write a
> web app for an existing database, where hand coding beans to 
> represent the
> database is a wasted effort. Though it would be nice to 
> support the other
> way around as well, that Java business objects are written 
> first and Simper
> gets used to persist them and that the database schema comes 
> secondary.
> The Simper code is mostly based on DynaBeans and its pretty 
> easy to wrap a
> DynaBean around a real bean so I'm hoping that mostly Simper 
> won't really
> know if real or dyna beans are being used. To get the 'mark as dirty'
> features in your SimperBean we could use BCEL or JDK1.3's 
> dynamic proxy
> to generate wrappers that detect when bean setters are 
> called. The nice
> thing about this would be we could
> use Simper to persist any Java Bean, as well as DynaBeans. There's an
> object-relational can of worms that this could open but 
> hopefully we'll be
> able to keep it simple.
> BTW I keep wanting to type Simpler rather than Simper. The 
> project name
> didn't start out as a typeo did it ;-)
> James

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