For what it's worth:

I'm +1 on Sean's JUnit 3.7 patches, thanks to both Sean and dIon for taking
care of this.  I'm suprised we haven't addressed that sooner. 

I'm -0ish on the default header patch.  I haven't had a chance to look at it
in detail (which is why I haven't commented on it before) but IIRC, it makes
both HttpClient and BaseHttpMethod store a list of default headers, and when
HttpClient.executeMethod is invoked, the default headers are in the client
are added to the method, yes?

I'm bothered by that for a couple of reasons, but primarily by the hidden,
persistent change that HttpClient.executeMethod then makes to HttpMethod.
(I also think that the state management of HttpMethod is probably in need of
revision anyway, but that's a different thread.)

IMO, storing a set of default headers in HttpClient, and adding them (as
regular headers) to HttpMethod in executeMethod is OK, even desirable.
Storing default headers (that are not cleared by recycle()) in HttpMethod is
questionable.  Storing it in both places, and having HttpClient populate the
*default* headers of HttpMethod is a bad idea. 

Thirdly, if anyone has a patch for the connection timeout issue that doesn't
require JDK 1.4, or can make the build script only compile the JDK 1.4
extension to HttpConnection when 1.4 is available, I think that'd be good
(so we could produce 1.2/1.3 and 1.4 builds with code modification).  Or for
that matter, if anyone would like to create a FAQ for that, explaining how
to do the 1.4 version, that'd be good too.  Frankly I never really see the
timeouts, so it's not a big itch for me, and it's a bit hard for me to test.

- Rod

PS: My wife is 39 weeks pregnant with our second child, so I haven't had
much time for jakarta stuff in the past couple of weeks, and I'll likely
disappear for a couple of weeks real soon, but I'll be back.

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