Hi Saimon

----- Original Message -----
From: "Saimon Moore" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Thanks a lot for creating the Messenger project. It's going to be great
> once I get it working. (Hence the email ;)


> I'm trying to get Messenger working with the JBossMQ provider. I've set up
> Messenger.xml file as follows:
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
> <manager>
>   <messenger name="topic">
>     <jndi lookupName="TopicConnectionFactory"> #name bound in JBossNS
>       <property>
>         <name>com.sun.jms.internal.java.naming.factory.initial</name>
>         <value>org.jnp.interfaces.NamingContextFactory</value>#JBoss NS
>       </property>
>     </jndi>
>   </messenger>
>   <messenger name="queue">
>     <jndi lookupName="QueueConnectionFactory">#name bound in JBossNS
>       <property>
>         <name>com.sun.jms.internal.java.naming.factory.initial</name>
>         <value>org.jnp.interfaces.NamingContextFactory</value>#JBoss NS
>       </property>
>     </jndi>
>   </messenger>
> </manager>

That looks fine to me.

Though I've never actually tried Messenger with JBossMQ, it should work fine
though. I've been thinking we should start committing to the project various
config files for different JMS configurations.

> I'm trying to run the Caller class from the messenger.tool package but i'm
> getting the following exception trace.
>  >java  org.apache.commons.messenger.tool.Caller "queue" "testQueue"
> Caught: javax.jms.JMSException: Could not load the Messenger XML config
> from:
> javax.jms.JMSException: Could not load the Messenger XML config file from:

Mmm there's not much to go on here. Actually this is the wrapped exception
that is being reported - the underlying exception is inside the
JMSException.getLinkedException() method which isn't being displayed by the

I've patched the code in the 3 sample programs, Caller, Producer, Consumer
to display the underlying exception, not the wrapped exception - which
should help. Also I've added the undelying exception discription to the
JMSException that gets thrown.

These changes are now in CVS so if you take another snapshot - or download
the next daily build and try run it again we should at least see the reason
for your problem! Then we can try fix it :)

> I would appreciate if someone could point me in the right direction as I'm
> trying to get my head around JMS and use Messenger and MDO's.



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