prickett    02/02/26 21:27:47

  Added:       periodicity proposal.html
  Submitted by: Jeff Prickett
  An initial version of the periodicity proposal
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.1                  jakarta-commons-sandbox/periodicity/proposal.html
  Index: proposal.html
        <title>Periodicity Proposal</title>
        <center><h1>Proposal for Periodicity</h1></center>
        <p><b>(0) Rationale</b></p>
        The Apache Software foundation currently does not have a standards
        compliant calendaring/groupware server. As far as I know the larger Open Source
        community also lacks a standards compliant calendaring/groupware server. It is 
        intention of the Periodicity to implement a standards compliant 
        <b>(1) Scope of the Package</b>
        The proposal is to implement a standards compliant calendaring/groupware 
        The relevant Internet Request For Comments to be implemented are
        RFC2445, RFC2446, RFC2447, RFC2426. Furthermore, the server will eventually
        implement setup, configuration, security and support mechanisms that will be
        comparable or better than commercial alternatives.
        <b>(1.5) Interaction with other packages</b>
        The current codebase depends on the following packages.
           <li>JDK v1.3</li>
           <li>J2EE v1.2.1</li>
           <li>JAAS v1.0</li>
           <li>JUnit v3.7</li>
           <li>Xerces v1.4.3</li>
        In the future dependencies on the following packages will be added
           <li>Thats all for now</li>
        <b>(2) Initial Source of the Package</b>
        The original codebase came from the Apache Jetspeed project.
        The proposed name of the package is org.apache.commons.periodicity.
        <b>Required Jakarta-Commons Resources</b>
        CVS Repository
        Mailing list
        <b>(4) Initial Committers</b>
        The initial committer is:
           <li>Jeff Prickett (prickett)</li>
        There is currently one other contributor. This person does not have
        commit at Apache. His name is Mike George.

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