I am looking at a possibility of using commons-dbcp (and pool) as 
DataSource wrappers for my Cayenne project. I already have my own 
implementation of this, but dbcp/pool looks more flexible (besides it is 
probably better tested too :-)).

One issues I need to solve is the ability to compile with JSDK 1.4. As 
you may know Sun added lots of new methods to java.sql.Connection, some 
of them call on their new classes (java.sql.Savepoint). So obviously 
some work is required to port the existing code.

I've been in and out of this list, so I am not sure if any steps in this 
direction have been planned. I'd appreciate if somebody can enlighten me 
on that.

If not, I will probably do the port myself. (If somebody applies my 
patches). It looks like for backwards compatibility (under JSDK 1.3 
methods calling Savepoint won't compile), paralel implementation of 
conflicting classes is needed. build.xml will determine which one to 
include. This looks rather dirty, but I can't think of a better way.

- Andrei (a.k.a. Andrus) Adamchik
Home of Cayenne - O/R Persistence Framework
email: andrus-jk at objectstyle dot org

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