On Thu, 14 Mar 2002, Morgan Delagrange wrote:
> I don't think any of the remaining submissions for Collections are ready for
> release yet, so I plan to prepare a Release Candidate and call a release
> vote within the next few days.  I still think the BeanMap documentation is
> weak, but I'm not going to hold up the release because of that.  I may spend
> some time trying to ferret out some of the undocumented bug fixes.

Documentation can always be added in a 2.0.1 release.  I've got a lot of 
documentation items on my todo list, but I don't know when I'll be able to 
get to them (I'm out of town this weekend).  

> -------------------
> DirtyFlagMap: Per the email sent by James House
> (http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?l=jakarta-commons-dev&m=101406634514652&w=2).
> Will be reviewed by Michael Smith

I briefly reviewed this a while ago, and I can't remember why I never
posted my thoughts on it.  What I found was that the "dirty" flag will not
be set if a modification is made via entrySet(), keySet(), or values().  
In my mind, this is a fairly large bug.  Additionally, I'm not convinced
on the usefulness of it.  With those two items, I think we should hold off
on including this class for now.


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