Stephen Colebourne typed the following on 02:59 PM 3/29/2002 +0000
>> We ought to make a common interface for both versions, which would look
>> more like your TreeNode than my Tree, although I suggest we name it Tree.
>Makes sense in theory, but the main problem that I foresee is that it is not
>possible to have a single class that implements both Map and
>Collection/List. I don't know how that would affect your implementation.
>Maybe it just means that your implementation won't implement Map, but will
>still have the same methods.

Doh, you're right. I guess it's got to be a Collection. List doesn't seem right,
since all of the items have to be strictly ordered, allowing the user to do a
list.get(int), for example. Map doesn't work for the general case: even we
designed it with methods such as add(parent, child), which looks map-like,
each key of a Map is only supposed to have one value.

>This was one of the questions about my design. The children of a given tree
>node can be held as a property of the node, or the node itself could be a
>list of children. If we did extend Collection, what would add() mean? If it
>means adding children, then TreeNode/Tree should probably extend List not

Well, implementing add() is an optional operation for a Collection, we could
just throw an UnsupportedOperationException if it doesn't fit our design. 
Alternately, add() could just add the value to the root of the Tree. 

A rough sketch of the interface, which admittedly follows the architecture of
my own implementation more than yours, would be like:

public interface Tree extends Collection {

        /** Throws an exception if the parent isn't in the Tree already. */
        boolean add(Object parent, Object child);

        boolean addToRoot(Object child);

        boolean addAll(Object parent, Collection children);

        Iterator children(Object parent);

        Iterator rootChildren();

        /** All values in the Tree */
        Iterator iterator();


It would need to be fleshed out, but at this level wouldn't assume anything
about ordering, so for instance a get(Object parent, int position) method
would be instead added to a ListTree interface. A SetTree could either 
guarantee that a value appears only once in the Tree, or else would just
guarantee that it only appears once as a child of any particular node.
MapTree would map each value to a unique key, unique either for the tree
or perhaps just for a given node. My current implementation has keys as
unique across the Tree, but that's too restrictive.


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