On Fri, 5 Apr 2002, Richard Sitze wrote:

> On the other hand, I DON'T like separating the interface into a separate
> jar file from the implementation (it's RAINING jar files over here).  I
> WOULD be happy with building multiple jar files, each containing the
> "common" interface and a single supporting framework.  The versioning would
> get tricky... would need to version interface separately from frameworks...

Richard, can I offer a "voice of experience" suggestion?  You really
really really really do *not* want to do that (put the interface classes
inside the JAR of every package that uses that interface).  This causes
you instant grief as soon as you've got two different JAR files that have
embedded different versions of the interface classes -- class cast
exceptions, missing method errors, and (if you seal your JAR files)
package sealing violations galore.

I'm very happy to see that the Xerces folks finally learned this lesson --
the fact that the JAXP/DOM/SAX API classes used to be embedded inside
xerces.jar was the single biggest cause of class loader issues for servlet
conatiners like Tomcat, and users of those servlet containers.


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