| Bugzilla Bug ID                                                           |
|     +---------------------------------------------------------------------+
|     | Status: UNC=Unconfirmed NEW=New         ASS=Assigned                |
|     |         OPN=Reopened    VER=Verified    (Skipped Closed/Resolved)   |
|     |   +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
|     |   | Severity: BLK=Blocker     CRI=Critical    MAJ=Major             |
|     |   |           MIN=Minor       NOR=Normal      ENH=Enhancement       |
|     |   |   +-------------------------------------------------------------+
|     |   |   | Date Posted                                                 |
|     |   |   |          +--------------------------------------------------+
|     |   |   |          | Description                                      |
|     |   |   |          |                                                  |
| 3893|New|Enh|2001-10-01|Multiple element body parts problem               |
| 5279|Ass|Nor|2001-12-05|Cookie.parse exception when parsing expiry date in|
| 5910|Ass|Nor|2002-01-17|LogSource.setLevel incorrectly uses entrySet      |
| 6508|Ass|Enh|2002-02-17|HttpClient now supports proxyHost and proxyPort - |
| 6513|Opn|Nor|2002-02-17|null domains break Cookie.java                    |
| 6826|Ass|Enh|2002-03-04|Need to have xml files validated against DTDs as p|
| 6829|Ass|Enh|2002-03-04|Allow easier way of user specified tests          |
| 6855|New|Blk|2002-03-04|Missing LICENSE in source distribution (commons-co|
| 7069|Ass|Enh|2002-03-13|DTD and DOM Validators                            |
| 7091|New|Min|2002-03-13|Header value/name swapped when more than one value|
| 7135|New|Enh|2002-03-14|Misleading error message when beaninfo class confl|
| 7226|New|Enh|2002-03-19|Nested Bean Collection                            |
| 7318|New|Nor|2002-03-21|javascript: zero - means bad integer??            |
| 7349|New|Nor|2002-03-22|Date Validation passes invalid date               |
| 7367|New|Nor|2002-03-22|ServiceManager not actually serializable          |
| 7464|New|Enh|2002-03-25|Need a way to automate download jar files         |
| 7465|New|Nor|2002-03-25|Need better 'dist' build                          |
| 7519|New|Cri|2002-03-27|Unsynchronize some of the calls in GenericObjectPo|
| 7618|New|Maj|2002-03-29|need a way to set time out when using HttpClient a|
| 7643|New|Nor|2002-03-31|Can't use proxy server with https                 |
| 7727|New|Maj|2002-04-03|Infinite loop (stack overflow) in BasicDataSource |
| 7728|New|Maj|2002-04-03|BasicDataSource cannot use many JDBC drivers      |
| 7740|New|Nor|2002-04-04|MethodUtils method compare bug                    |
| 7754|New|Nor|2002-04-05|Response Folded Headers throws HttpException      |
| 7784|New|Cri|2002-04-06|ConvertUtils changes long standing default convers|
| 7808|Unc|Nor|2002-04-07|HTTP GET causes Squid 2.4 never to serve cached ob|
| Total   26 bugs                                                           |

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