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-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [[EMAIL PROTECTED]: Question about DBCP and JDBC 3.0]
Date: Fri, 24 May 2002 06:19:22 -0700
From: Glenn Nielsen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

First apologise me for thow thinks
- mailing directly to you instead of commons-dev mailing list : 
I posted messages about DBCP problem but no responses ...
- my poor english : I'am french so my english is what it can 
be ...

So my questions : I downloaded last week DBCP package from CVS, 
after addition for abandonned connections. When I tried to 
compiled them (JDK 1.4), i saw new JDBC 3.0 interfaces were 
missing :
- am I wrong ? (may be ...)
- if I'am right, I agree to add those missing method but as a 
simple DBCP user, I don't know how to ...

By the way, 2 others question not related to JDBC 3.0
- does a DBCP package compiled with JDK 1.4 work correctly 
whoth JDK 1.3 (I think it can but ...)
- In previous messages I proposed an extension (not a core 
modification) for global configuration of connexions in a 
properties file. Your opinion ?

By and thanks in advance for any response.

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