Hi, all,

I have a question regarding the best approach for customizing JXPath. I
looked at providing a NodePointer implementation but was not convinced this
was the right course and also deterred by the large interface.

I like what JXPath provides out-of-the-box with regards to JavaBean support,
but instead of allowing clients unvetted access to the whole of my API I
would prefer to restrict access.

The initial idea was to provide a new JXPathIntospector implementation that
hands off to a 'GuardHandler' if the context object implements a well-known
tag interface, otherwise it would follow the normal JavaBean resolution.

The 'GuardHandler' (implemtation of DynamicPropertyHandler) guards against
using any methods not defined for the given bean.

I then realised the JXPathIntrospector is not configurable which lead me to
the NodePointer. I'm now wondering the best approach.  Any guidance would be
much appreciated.


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