Thanks for your reply. I am *somewhat* familiar with
Digester. I know that it is common practice for
XML->Java mapping utilities to use setter methods to
populate beans from attributes/elements with the same
name (setFoo(String foo) with attribute/element
'foo'). However, I found in another posting...[EMAIL PROTECTED]&msgId=77976

...that one could use durable subscriptions in the
following manner:

<messenger name="foo" durable="true">
    <factory transacted="true" >

My question is... is there any way that I could have
known that without reading it on the mailing list? I
looked at the Messenger interface and I couldn't find
a setter method such as "setDurable(boolean durable)".
Maybe I can browse the source code... where in the
source code is the attribute "durable" handled?

Thank You!

--- James Strachan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> From: "Spam Cut" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Hi,
> >
> > I was wondering if someone could point me to
> > documentation for the "messenger" and
> "subscriptions"
> > xml config files. There seem to be many attributes
> for
> > the "subscriptions" xml config file that aren't
> > described in the overview. Is there any
> documentation
> > for these in some form (DTD, XSD, Text File, PDF
> File,
> > etc...)?
> Unfortunately not yet.
> Messenger is using the Digester which means that the
> schema can be soft
> coded. This allows you to plugin your own
> implementations of things (like
> your own SessionFactory in the messenger.xml file or
> your own
> MessageListener or MDO implementaiton in the
> subscription.xml file) and then
> configure those within the same document.
> e.g.
> public class MyMDO extends MessengerMDO {
>     public void setFoo(String foo);
>     public void setBar(int bar);
> }
> then in subscription.xml I could do...
> <subscriptions>
>     <subscription connection="myQueueConnection"
> subject="in.queue">
>         <listener className="MyMDO" foo="valueOfFoo"
> bar="1234"/>
>     </subscription>
> </subscriptions>
> So that the 'foo' and 'bar' attributes above come
> really from the underlying
> MessageListener / MDO.
> Though I totally agree with you that the common
> elements/attributes should
> be properly documented. I've added this to the todo
> list so it'll get done
> one day (hopefully soon). As usual, any
> contributions are greatfully
> received ;-)
> James
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