Remy Maucherat wrote:
> John McNally wrote:
> > I would like to merge most of the code in sandbox/jdbc2pool into dbcp.
> > With the only condition that dbcp will be moved to the
> > project when/if it is approved.  As dbcp is proposed as one of the
> > projects to jumpstart this new project, I assume it is an easy condition
> > to meet.
> I understand, but I would like to see a 1.0 release of commons-dbcp
> before that merge happens.
> (just my non-binding opinion)
> Glenn, JF, what do you think ?

I agree, a 1.0 release of DBCP would be nice before these changes
are added.  I am already using the current DBCP in production.



Glenn Nielsen             [EMAIL PROTECTED] | /* Spelin donut madder    |
MOREnet System Programming               |  * if iz ina coment.      |
Missouri Research and Education Network  |  */                       |

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