My summary of the discussion that I started:

1 Many thanks to everybody, who responds;
2 I didn't know about 'pluggable' ORO possibilty,
   I'll take a look at this (puting something in commons
   only to have 'commons' in package name is not a good idea);
3 I agree that totally 'bootstraping' funcionality of
   regexp (like logging) may be dangerous;
   I was rather thinking about one API for accessing some
   'standard' (POSIX, Perl..) regexps in the same way;
   Something 'pluggable' and having as simple API as
   possible - in most cases regexp are used (at least
   by myself) to verifiy given String against given
   regexp, that's all....
4 I know I've seen this before, I know I've seen this before....

I think I'll try to implement my idea. And, if it'll look
interesing, I'll show to commons community.

Tomek Pik

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