> (i've been ill and other people have been tied up with tomcat and structs
> releases. i'm slowing getting round to reviewing all the emails i've
> flagged but it will take time.)
> i'm actually a little reluctant to apply this patch since MethodUtil API
> is (unofficially) frozen since it will (probably) be deprecated and
> replaced by new reflection classes in lang. i'll try to find some time
> very soon to take a look at the patch as a whole (including the digester
> bit) so that we can discuss what's best to do.

I understand people being busy and or ill, it just seemed like this got lost
in the shuffle since I orginally posted it 3 weeks ago and no one has
responded.  As far as being reluctant to institute the patch, it simply
changes "private" to "public" on the getMatchingAccessibleMethod(), should
have minimal or no impact on testing, etc.

Even though this class is being deprecated, Digester still relies on it and
patches that I submitted for some of the Digester classes rely on this patch
being in place.


> - robert

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