Nice!  More below...

--- James Strachan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> From: "Morgan Delagrange" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Are compiled Script objects supposed to be
> > thread-safe, or do I need to pool them?  In either
> > case, the answer should probably be documented in
> the
> > Javadocs.
> Scripts are *meant* to be thread safe. So each Tag
> is thread local so that
> the same Script can be run concurrently in several
> threads. 

And new Tag are instantiated with every parse
performed by a given thread?  There is no danger of a
Tag carrying over state from parse to parse, or is
there?  I hope not; clearing out state was always a
big pain in taglibs, particularly since the spec has
always worded the taglib lifecycle very poorly.

> Note though that
> the parsing of Scripts isn't thread safe; so only 1
> thread should parse a
> Script at once (so the XMLParser could be
> synchronized or pooled).

Or you could use a fresh XMLParser every time, if you
have a limited number of scripts to parse, right?  I'm
assuming that two instances of XMLParser can parse
concurrently with no trouble.

> However
> once you have a Script you should be able to run it
> in several threads.

That's good to know.  I wanted to prevent reading

> The JellyContext should be thread local; the aim is
> to refactor the
> JellyContext code a little so that it supports
> pluggable variable Scopes,
> then some synchronized shared Scopes can be used to
> share state across
> threads, while still having thread local Scopes too.

That's what I assumed, cool.

> The org.apache.commons.jelly.impl package contains
> the Script implementation
> classes, *, which should be thread safe.

So, what's the plan here?  That any implementation of
Script should be thread-safe?  If so, that should
probably be noted in the Javadocs somewhere.  If not,
perhaps you should add a method like isThreadSafe() to
the Script interface, so clients know whether or not
they can hold onto compiled Scripts.

> Though I think
> BeanTagScript might not be threadsafe right now, it
> might need a couple of
> tweeks to ensure thread safety. FWIW I've been
> meaning to simplify the code
> in this part so that BeanTagScript, TagScript and
> DynaTagScript merge
> together into a single class capable of invoking at
> runtime either a bean
> Tag or a DynaTag and being thread safe)
> James
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