From: "Jason Horman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> I am creating objects via "usebean" that are quite large, 300-400mbs. What
> are my options currently for removing these objects from memory once I am
> done with them?
> Right now I am doing this:
> <useBean var="largeObject" class="blah"/>
> <bsh:script>
>     jellyContext.removeVariable("largeObject");
> </bsh:script>
> I noticed that some jelly variables, like "set", have a scope attribute
> it seems to be used to differenciate between container scopes. I think
> a new "scope" or "block" tag with its own context scope could be useful.
> Something similar to language { } blocks.
> <jelly>
>     <scope>
>         <set var="var1" />
>         <useBean var="var2" />
>     </scope>
>     <!-- var1 and var2 no longer exist -->
> </jelly>
> It seems pretty easy to implement, the scope tag just has to pass along a
> new context object to its children.

I've just added a <j:remove var="foo"/> tag and a <j:scope> tag as discussed
to CVS. Enjoy :-)


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