+1 on adding a new subproject.
-0 on calling it "reflection".

Calling it "reflection" will be a bit misleading as it implies 
java.lang.reflect. But what has been discussed so far is more than simply 
providing a "thin" utils on the top of java.lang.reflect.

I'd suggest something like "Meta-Prog", "ClassGenerator", or even 
"Metaclass" (?!).

At 03:33 pm 08-10-2002, you wrote:

>Agree, [lang] must be minimalist as possible,
>[lang] is not a very good prefix for this thread.
>I am thinking about some new subproject it sandbox for reflection.
>BTW .NET's reflection  has some API like BCEL to genetate code for CLR.
> >
> >
> > > -----Original Message-----
> > > From: Juozas Baliuka [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > > Sent: Monday, October 07, 2002 11:15 PM
> > > To: Jakarta Commons Developers List
> > > Subject: Re: [lang] Proposal for *NEXT* version
> > >
> > >
> > > Hi,
> > > I do not think dependency on top level project is any problem
> > > for commons
> > > component, if public API  does's not have classes or
> > > interfaces from this
> > > project.
> >
> > I disagree. Commons Lang should sit as close to the JDK as possible -
> > really what it's all about. If it starts depending on other packages, then
> > it seems to me that it no longer meets its design goals.
> >
> > > Projects like BCEL , ORO, Lucene are very good and solve
> > > common problems
> > > too.
> >
> > Sure, but they do not - and should not - relate to Commons Lang.
> >
> > --
> > Martin Cooper

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