AFAIK, collections was prepared fully for a release, but the release never
ocurred. There was a delay in the primitive subpackage, but I believe Rodney
Waldorf completed his work there. I don't know who the release manager was,
but they either need a little reminder, or a new one electing.

This note affects other ideas/suggestions to collections which have been
suggested recently, as the aim would be to get a release out before adding
new code.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Berin Loritsch" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> The Avalon team is waiting to know when the next official release is of
> Commons collections.  We need to know this so that we can officially
> publish the deprecation of Avalon collections.  Our CVS is all prepared,
> but we can make it public yet until there is a released version of
> Commons.
> We have already started moving our CVS source to the commons variant,
> but making a release with a snapshot jar is not the best...
> --
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>   deserve neither liberty nor safety."
>                  - Benjamin Franklin
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