Oh, one thing I forgot to mention.

Not sure if we overlooked it, but I was wondering how are you handling
special (XML/HTML) character data?  Especially for Struts (errors.header and

One peice of functionality that I am adding will (for the most part) take
care of that in a clean (IMHO) way.

Here's a snip from my sample app (ok, Craig's app, but my changes)

              This file demonstrates how you might use the XMLMessageResources
              the cannonocial struts-example webapp.

        <app:mode en=""/>
        <property:html name="html.li.begin"       en="li"/>
        <property:html name="html.li.end"         en="/li"/>
        <property:html name="html.ul.begin"       en="ul"/>
        <property:html name="html.ul.end"         en="/ul"/>
        <property:html name="html.hr"             en="hr"/>
        <property:html name="html.h3.begin"       en="h3"/>
        <property:html name="html.h3.end"         en="/h3"/>
        <property:html name="html.font.red.begin" en="font color='red'"/>
        <property:html name="html.font.end"       en="/font"/>

                <cancel en="Cancel"/>
                <confirm en="Confirm"/>
                <reset en="Reset"/>
                <save en="Save"/>
                <message en="Your password has expired.  Please ask the system
administrator to change it."/>
                <try en="Try Again"/>
                <title en="Password Has Expired"/>
                <load en="Cannot load database from {0}"/>

                        <missing en="${html.li.begin}User database is missing, cannot 
logon credentials${html.li.end}"/>


1. en does not necessarily have to be the attribute name
   And if using separate files (by locale), then I would use val="" or
   or some other meaninful attribute.
2. The app:mode and html:property are special tags reserved for processing.
3. Notice the ${replace-able.keys} within the attribute values.
   This has the same effect as Ant properties, but it works with any
   attribute's key-value (not just html:property) which is done after
   initial loading.  It will recursively replace these tokens unless an
   infinite loop is detected.

Anyway, that's some food for thought.

James Mitchell
Software Engineer/Struts Evangelist

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