Stephen Colebourne wrote:
> Primitives now removed from release plan:
> Please advise the list of any essential changes required by Wednesday
> midnight UTC.
> A vote for release should thus occur on Friday-Sunday.
> Release would then follow imminently.
> Stephen
> release plan
> ============
> release manager: Stephen Colebourne, assisted by Henri Yandell
> version number:  2.1
> features:
>   Buffer interface and implementations
>   Decorators for Predicated, Synchronized, Unmodifiable, FixedSize
> collections
>   Much better testing
>   Bug fixes
>   Package restructuring
>   Better javadoc
> to do (essential):
>   nothing I know of



"They that give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety
  deserve neither liberty nor safety."
                 - Benjamin Franklin

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