James Strachan wrote:
Firstly thanks to all the great feedback lately on Jelly, its really helped

There's still a few things that need to be sorted out before we can get
close to a real release of Jelly (much more documentation and the
dependency/distribution issues being highest priority). Before this recent
discussion my thoughts were that these things could get sorted out while
within, say, the commons-proper. Thats to say that I didn't think these kind
of issues were a prerequisite for moving into commons proper but are
prerequisites for a full release from the commons. My thinking was that
moving to the commons proper might help us focus on getting things ready for
a release and so forth.

Though Ceki and Rodney would rather this happen in the sandbox first before
it is proposed to move. So I guess the movement to the commons proper is
like a half-release, halfway between being a sandbox component and being a
released commons proper component. Now I'm wondering, how long should I wait
before proposing Jelly for the commons proper? Or to put that another way;
what needs to be done before Jelly could be moved to commons proper. Should
things only move to commons proper when they are just about ready to

I'd actually quite like Jelly to be under some pressure to get a 1.0 release
out; though obviously I don't want us to rush things and cut corners. Any
more thoughts on all this?
My opinion: Get it ready for full 1.0 release. Then propose it for a top level Jakarta sub-project rather than a commons component. While Jelly certainly does seem like it fits within the commons charter, the community I perceive to follow it seems to have grown quickly and to a point where it is strong enough to stand on its own, rather than as a component within commons. If general@jakarta do not accept Jelly as a jakarta sub-project, then you can always come back to commons and request a move to commons proper.


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