
I've applied this patch.  Thanks for sending it in.  Apologies for not
applying it sooner; I've been a little busy.

> - remove of depends from commons-IO
> - remove of depends from excalibur-i18n (see my previous mail :
>    "[VFS] remove dependecies")
> - add isWriteable() and isReadable() method on FileObject
>    (=>remove isReadOnly)

These sound like good changes.  Send 'em in.

> >, but I have a few ideas.
> Me too, provide a sshFileSystem via JSch (LGPL like Jcifs).

+1.  Any thoughts on how the provider might get hold of the user's
authentication info (usernames, passwords, certs, etc)?  Encoding this stuff
in the url is ok as a convenience, but isn't a very good general solution.
I guess we need some kind of authentication provider that can be handed to
the ssh provider; Something that the ftp, smb, dav, whatever providers can
also make use of.


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