Other object models that could be considered:
neither strike me as essential.

However, providing base support for Map properties in beans seems essential
to me. We should support beans with simple (atomic) properties, array
properties, List properties and Map properties. The act of deciding what is
an SimpleArray/ListMap property (ie. what the methods are what etc. is

Also we should ensure that the model can be accessed from-
other things like Jexl, where I get confused which is which


From: "Dmitri Plotnikov" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> There is a long list of object models for which [clazz] may be
> relevant.  For each of them we need to decide whether to
> [+1] support directly
> [-1] not to support at all
> [D] allow support via delegation
> Let's start building that list and decide for each model what level of
> support we want to have in [clazz]
> - JDK JavaBeans per JavaBean spec
>   Dmitri: [+1] I think enough projects have a dependency on the JDK
> definition of JavaBeans for [clazz] to strictly support it
> - Extended JavaBeans.
>   This includes the new mapping schemes for collection/indexed
> properties, simplified SmallTalk-style method names etc.  In addition
> to indexed properties may support mapped ones.
>   Dmitri: [+1] This is a reasonable extension of JavaBeans, feels
> almost like an upgrade
> - DynaBeans (see BeanUtils)
>   Dynamic imitation of JavaBeans: DynaClass is just like Class, except
> it is dynamic and mutable, DynaBean is like a Map, only strongly typed
> with the help of DynaClass.  WrapDynaBean bridges between DynaClass and
> regular Class for the unification of object access APIs.
>   Dmitri: [D] We cannot ignore DynaBeans since they are already widely
> used, but as they are a part of BeanUtils, we probably want to delegate
> their support entirely to BeanUtils.
> - Maps and DynamicProperty objects
>   A Map (aka Dictionary, Properties, DynamicProperty object) are
> completely untyped.  Property list is open ended.  DynamicProperty
> object is a Map or an object with characteristics similar to a map e.g.
> HttpServletRequest.  One way to cover all DynamicProperty object at
> once is through delegation.  For example, in [jxpath] you provide a
> static DynamicPropertyHandler object for each such model.
>   Dmitri: [D] Since the list of object models similar to maps is so
> big, the only reasonable way to handle them appears to be delegation.
> - EJB Entity Beans, Statefull Sessions
>   Several major differences from regular beans:
>     a) the implementation class is unknown (generated by container),
> therefore a BeanInfo-style customization mechanism won't work.
>     b) instantiation is factory-based (EJB home).
>     c) remote entity beans typically use ValueObjects instead or in
> addition to regular access methods.
>    Dmitri: [D] We don't want to introduce a dependency on J2EE in
> [clazz], therefore EJB support wants to be in a separate project.
> However EJBs are common enough, so their support should be possible.
> - EJB Stateless Session
>    Not a bean - does not have properties or relationships, only
> methods.
>    Dmitri: [-1] I say, ignore services for now.
> - WebService
>    Not a bean - only methods.
>    Dmitri: [-1] Why mix oil and water?  Let's focus on beans for now.
> - DOM, JDOM etc
>    Several differences from beans:
>      a) two ways to capture properties: elements and attributes
>      b) no collections
>      c) element with the same tag can appear more than once, thus we
> can say that in DOM properties are not unique.
>    Dmitri: [?] I have not formed my opinion on this one yet.  Some will
> use the same oil/water analogy for DOM/JavaBeans.  I think it might be
> challenging to generalize the programming model over both of them.
> Examples: JavaScript, JXPath.  I will be honest with you - I am not
> entirely satisfied by the way JXPath does that.
> - JDO, OJB
>   We will need to determine if there is anything special about the
> beans handled by these two.
> What other models do we care about?
> - Dmitri
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