I am attaching a threads tag library to expand on the current ThreadTag.
This library adds:

SynchronizeTag (synchronize on a mutex)
WaitTag/NotifyTag (wait/notify on passed in mutex)
InterruptTag (thread interrupt)
JoinTag (thread join)
GroupTag (thread group)
WaitForTag (wait for a specific thread to finish. you can also wait for a
specific status FAILURE, SUCCESS, AVOIDED)

Example: The threads should increment together. Uses wait/notify

        <set var="result" value=""/>
        <threads:mutex var="mutex"/>

        <threads:thread var="thread1">
            <threads:synchronize mutex="${mutex}">
                <set var="cnt1" value="0"/>
                <while test="${cnt1 != 5}">
                    <set var="result" value="${result}${cnt1}"/>
                    <set var="cnt1" value="${cnt1 + 1}"/>

                    <!-- let the other thread go -->
                    <threads:notify mutex="${mutex}"/>
                    <threads:wait mutex="${mutex}"/>


                <!-- one last notify -->
                <threads:notify mutex="${mutex}"/>


        <threads:thread var="thread2">

            <!-- let the other thread start -->
            <threads:sleep for="100"/>

            <threads:synchronize mutex="${mutex}">
                <set var="cnt2" value="0"/>
                <while test="${cnt2 != 5}">
                    <set var="result" value="${result}${cnt2}"/>
                    <set var="cnt2" value="${cnt2 + 1}"/>

                    <!-- let the other thread go -->
                    <threads:notify mutex="${mutex}"/>
                    <threads:wait mutex="${mutex}"/>


                <!-- one last notify -->
                <threads:notify mutex="${mutex}"/>


Example: uses the waitfor tag. thread 1 should go 1st, then 2.

        <set var="result" value=""/>

        <threads:thread var="thread1">
            <set var="cnt1" value="0"/>
            <while test="${cnt1 != 5}">
                <set var="result" value="${result}${cnt1}"/>
                <set var="cnt1" value="${cnt1 + 1}"/>

                <!-- force an interrupt, shouldn't matter -->


        <threads:thread var="thread2">

            <!-- wait for thread1 -->
            <threads:waitfor thread="${thread1}"/>

            <set var="cnt2" value="5"/>
            <while test="${cnt2 != 10}">
                <set var="result" value="${result}${cnt2}"/>
                <set var="cnt2" value="${cnt2 + 1}"/>

Example: use waitFor to show how to wait on a specific status

        <set var="result" value=""/>

        <threads:thread var="thread1">
                throw new Exception("This exception SHOULD happen");

        <threads:thread var="thread2">

            <!-- this will fail since thread 1 is sleeping -->
            <threads:waitfor thread="${thread1}" status="SUCCESS"/>

            <set var="cnt2" value="5"/>
            <while test="${cnt2 != 10}">
                <set var="result" value="${result}${cnt2}"/>
                <set var="cnt2" value="${cnt2 + 1}"/>

        <threads:thread var="thread3">

            <!-- this will fail since thread 1 is sleeping -->
            <threads:waitfor thread="${thread1}" status="FAILURE"/>

            <set var="cnt2" value="10"/>
            <while test="${cnt2 != 15}">
                <set var="result" value="${result}${cnt2}"/>
                <set var="cnt2" value="${cnt2 + 1}"/>

See the test suite (suite.jelly) and the other .jelly files in the test
directory for more examples.

-jason horman
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Description: Binary data

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