(plus)1, I fully support this :-)) Predicate, Transformer, Command/Closure and Factory 
are very basic and mature, and fit well into [lang].

In addition this adds the ability to write a CloneUtils in [lang] very easily (as the 
code already exists, it just needs a different front end).


>  from:    Henri Yandell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> I'd like to kick off a discussion on moving some parts of [patterns] over
> to [lang]. The parts in question are:
> Predicate - Object -> boolean
> Transformer - Object -> Object
> Command - Object -> void
> Factory - void -> Object
> The parts not in scope are:
> Beans
> Identifier
> The reasoning for the move is that the above four sub-packages are now
> mature, and would be of use to both the Collections and IO codebases. All
> four sub-packages above would get promoted into:
> org.apache.commons.lang.functor.
> which is what their equivalents in Collections are called. The ones in
> Collections currently, Predicate, Transformer, Factory, would I assume be
> deprecated in favour of the ones currently in Patterns.
> Collections currently calls the Command interface a Closure. We may want
> to repeat this debate again.
> I'm not assuming that Collections would automatically be dependent on
> these by the way, but it seems like a logical step. There has been some
> concern over whether Collections should add yet another dependency, so
> that would need to be broached later.
> Identifier and Bean might later move to Util or somesuch, or Patterns
> would remain.
> Hen
> --
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