
You misunderstood the meaning of the setTimeout() method. This sets the SO_TIMEOUT property of a socket, which is the maximum time that must pass between data packets sent through this socket. If no traffic occurs on the socket for this duration the socket automatically disconnects.

This is very different from a connection timeout (as in your code).

Unfortunately connection timeouts are a feature of JDK 1.4 and are not backwards compatible to 1.3. So we can not use this feature at the moment.

There is already a feature request for this in Bugzilla:
scheduled for the 2.0 release.

I feel that this is a major requirement and I can try and post a solution shortly.

Thanks for trying to contribute. However you are strongly encouraged to use CVS / diff to submit patches. Posting whole files without a diff is not feasible because we can not easily spot the changes. More coding rules can be found here:

Kind regards to Israel


p.s. Please post HttpClient issues directly to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and *not* to the commons list, as your email may easily missed by the committers (depending on how good our filters are...). You can ommit the [HttpClient] prefix then. Patches should have the [PATCH] prefix in the subject line.

Noam Berg wrote:

I need to use http connections with timeouts, since it is not part of the
release i downloaded 7th Nov 2002 sources, but
using HttpClient.setTimeout didnt help. i checked out the code and find out
that when you create the sockets using host+port
it immediately connects so setting the timeout after that does not change
(at least in my case where i dont reuse them
and its important in first connect for a timeout to be set).

The changes:
line 350:
_socket = new Socket();

line 781:
Socket s = sslSocketFactory.createSocket();
s.connect(new, port), _so_timeout);
return s;

and the whole file :

i'm sorry but i dont have CVS ...

Another small thing (suggestion) ...
When i first started using this package i wanted to do a very simple
httpconnection ...
what would have help me _a lot_ would have been a few small source examples
for usage
(maybe a bit like your test classes).

Noam Berg
SofaWare Technologies Ltd.
3 Hahilazon St. Ramat-Gan Israel
Tel: +972-3-6128989 ext 102
Fax: +972-3-5755442


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